Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hi this blog is really only supposed to be about what I did with CFHI while in South Africa but I thought some of you may want an update of what I am doing for the remainder of my stay here...I am still a bit behind on my Hlebsia blogs but I will get them in as soon as I can.

So Regina, Corey and I spent the past few days driving around the win elands and visiting many wineries (Regina ended up having to ship some stuff home because of all the wine she bought for people!!). It was all absolutely gorgeous. However I have to say not much of what we saw looked like the South Africa that we have seen thus far during our trip.

I also found out that I was the victim of identity theft was I was here...I never lost any of my credit cards but somehow someone got my debit card number and had some fun emptying my bank account. Oh well. On a better note, I left my cell phone at a cafe and the cafe called people in my phone book to get in touch with me. Everything all evens out in South Africa.

I will try to post more pics as soon as I can. Miss and love all of you!

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